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ADAPT Project VITE - Final documentation
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Welcome to the final documentation of ADAPT project VITE [1]. In the frame of European Union Community Initiative ADAPT three partner institutions from Finland, France and Germany cooperated within this project in order to exchange information about experiences and results of their national ADAPT projects and to mutually stimulate their work.

On national, respectively regional level each partner has developed services for small and medium sized enterprises of the Textile and Clothing Industry, mainly in the field of information technology and export promotion [2].

Following you will find a short overview about the contents of this final documentation:

For detailed information about the Community Initiative ADAPT and textile related ADAPT projects within the EU see ADAPT ...
Partners ... PARTNERS
For detailed information about the partners of the VITE project and their national ADAPT projects see PARTNERS ...
Chronology ... ACTIVITY
For a documentation of the activities during the official running time of the project see ACTIVITY ...
Within the link section you will find selected links related to the European Textile Sector. See LINKS ...
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[1] Publication date: 31/12/2000 — Last check of external links: Feb 2005.

[2] Feel free to download the full version of the Transnational Cooperation Document for the VITE partnership: tcd.pdf [28 kb] ...